A Loss of Wisdom Means a Nation of Fools

Nothing is more obvious in the Western World today (to those who paying attention) than the loss of wisdom or common sense.

Killing unborn babies is good. Choose your own sex despite your biology. Don’t prosecute criminals. Open the southern border. America is racist (though it elected Barack Obama twice). Socialism/communism is good. Free speech should be censored. Have sex with whoever you want.

And on and on. 

We are becoming a nation of fools–and better wise up before it’s too late.

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Right now I’m dealing with some situations that require wisdom.

One involves an individual where advice is crucial. Another may impact the future of a 140-year old organization. A third relates to a book project. And the last one is what I will eat for dinner so I can keep losing a few pounds.

Just kidding on the last one.

But maybe not. We desperately need wisdom in every area of life–especially the big ones.

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