We Need Nimitz Faith This Fourth of July
President Biden’s debate disaster (exposing his deteriorating mental state) and some recent Supreme Court decisions have created a “gust” of possible renewal in the American nation. They are answers to prayer, and I will thoroughly discuss their impact in coming articles.
But this week we celebrate the “Glorious Cause” of the birth of the United States of America on July 4, 1776. As during colonial times, we face some formidable obstacles to the renewal/transformation of our declining civilization.
I believe we needs some sparks of courage and hope this Independence Day as we celebrate America.
We need Nimitz faith this Fourth of July.
Here’s what I mean.
Memorial Day 2024: The Bravest Boehme
Today is Memorial Day in the U.S. Over one million men and women gave their lives defending the our country in twelve major wars. Another four million died due to complications after battle.
This afternoon I will accompany my wife and mother to our local cemetery and placed flowers on the headstones of loved ones. Freedom is not free–it’s very costly. And we’re losing it in America due to our sins and apathy.
The person I think about most on Memorial Day is my Uncle Dick whom I’ll have the privilege of meeting in heaven. He died near the end of WWII in 1945.
He was the bravest Boehme. Read More
The Baptism Revival
In the closing chapter of my autobiography, One Small Life, I analyze the messages of Israel’s greatest prophets–Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Jeremiah prophesied during a time of terminal judgment. He focused on the negative–the sins of a “falling nation.” Isaiah preached repentance also, but in the the second half of his book he gloried in the positive–God’s revival power and Eternal Kingdom.
Both prophets remind me of the parable of the wheat and the weeds (tares). Jesus said both evil and revival would grow simultaneously during the last days. I write often about growing evil to incite us to prayer and action. But let’s focus today on the positive (wheat).
The Baptism Revival.