Providence and President Trump

Twelve hours after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, I anxiously sat down for my morning devotions. Most days I check my “Life Calendar” to see what happened on this particular date in past years. (My “Life Calendar” can be found on pages 697-714 of One Small Life.)

On July 14, 1973, I recorded my belief in a vital truth:

“God is sovereign in history.” 

America learned that same lesson–again–on July 13, 2024.

Here are my thoughts on God’s Providence and attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

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Our National Day of Prayer – May 2, 2024

With organized anti-Semitic protests erupting on college campuses and war in the Middle East and Ukraine, we must fervently pray for a heaven-sent revival.

Thursday, May 2, is America’s National Day of Prayer. Important gatherings will take place in Washington, D.,C. and in thousands of cities and towns. 

Will you pray for America and the world this Thursday, May 2? Read More

The Truth About Israel, Gaza, and Hamas

It’s amazing that Israel, a nation of only 8,000 square miles and nine million people (same as New Jersey) sits at the center of world attention. There’s only one reasonable explanation:


I visited Israel in 1974 and what I saw was life-changing. The history of the land, walking in the footsteps of Jesus, and sensing that it stood in the center of a global bullseye, made it the most unique place on earth.

Keep your eyes on Israel.  And don’t believe the lies about the Jews, Gaza, and Hamas. Read More