One Area The USA Shouldn’t Be Exceptional

As a student and teacher of United States history, I’m thrilled at how God took a “hidden continent” (The New World) three hundred years ago and created a nation/civilization never seen before in history. We call that miracle “American Exceptionalism.”

Our biblical faith, melting pot unity, political institutions, social fraternities, political freedoms, and unparalleled blessings have made the United States of America a model for other nations to follow.

But recently something has happened to our populace and civics that is very concerning.

Here’s one area of U.S. culture that shouldn’t be exceptional.

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Affirmative Action RIP

The U.S. Supreme Court recently struck down Affirmative Action in college admissions.

AA was as unfair and un-American as the recent atheist (woke) meltdown over country singer Jason Aldean’s #1 hit song “Try That In A Small Town.” Due to our biblical heritage, we Americans believe in freedom and equal opportunity for people.

In this article, I want to share Victor Davis Hanson’s wisdom on Affirmative Action while engaging in a little critical thinking. 

May Affirmative Action rest in peace.

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Representative Government Makes a Comeback

In our world of increasing deception and group think, I often lean on Bill O’Reilly’s “No Spin News” as a solid news source. It’s worth the monthly fee ($5.25) to get an honest view of national and world events.

I agree with O’Reilly about 90% of the time because our worldviews are closely aligned. But this week I disagreed with him on the House of Representatives “Speaker” vote. He thought it was a waste of time with too much grandstanding.

I view it as representative government making a much needed comeback.

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