What the World Needs Now

There is rightly much lamenting these days about the decline of American culture and Western civilization. Victor Davis Hanson writes about it almost every week.

There are many reasons for the social, moral, and economic weaknesses we are experiencing. But they all come back to one major root cause:

Turning away from the God of love. 

What the world needs now is love, God’s love.

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Why I Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Day

On January 16, I joined millions of Americans in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

During the day, I also saw articles and listened to commentary by some folks who questioned Dr. King’s fitness to have a national holiday named for him.

I understood their concerns, but disagreed with their conclusion. 

Here’s why I celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Day.

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Character and Greatness

We live in a time when character is in decline and greatness remains rare or wrongly defined.

Many of the “great” people of our time are famous simply because of their entertainment wealth or following. They live sad, debauched and immoral lives but are put on pedestals by those who adore them.

Not so George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Their lives truly helped change the world for good.

Some thoughts on character and greatness.

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