Eve of Deception

“Eve of Destruction” was a popular Barry McGuire protest ballad back in the 1960s (written by P.F. Sloan in 1965). It spoke of a world coming apart by the forces of evil  during the peak of the Vietnam War.

McGuire eventually met Jesus as his Lord and Savior and changed his tune from being a harbinger of death to a prophet of life. He has done concerts for our Youth With A Mission constituency on a number of occasions.

Destruction is usually the end result of deception that we now face on a massive scale in the 21st century.

Are we currently experiencing an Eve of Deception?

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Celebrating the World’s Three Greatest Documents

A vast array of words have been written during the 6,000 years of recorded history. Most are of little value–and for thousands of years, contained primarily the exploits of ego-centric kings.

Other works have inspired civilizations or offered valuable instruction or amusement.

But three stand out above all: The Bible, the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution.

Let’s celebrate them this 4th of July week.

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The USA Has Less Mass Shootings Than Switzerland

I’m still on a break between school quarters, but doing a lot of praying about the soon-to-be-announced possible striking down of Roe v. Wade by the United States Supreme Court.

Abortion is the most serious crime of our time because its the largest form of “shedding of innocent blood” in human history. But there are other forms of heinous murder like unjust war, terrorism, and even school shootings–like the recent one at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

Guess who leads the world in school shootings? Not the United States.

Here are the facts.

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