With Deception and Injustice for All

May 30, 2024 was a sad day in American history. Regardless of your view of former president Donald Trump, he experienced a travesty of justice by being convicted of a felony in New York on petty financial charges. George Soros funded DA Alvin Bragg, Biden-donor Judge Juan Merchan, and twelve jurors did a great disservice to our nation.

I believe this banana republic form of “lawfare” against political enemies—encouraged by the White House—has become a cancer in our nation.

Without revival in the land, we have entered a time of great deception and injustice for all.

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House Speaker Mike Johnson: A Divine Appointment?

I was upset with Rep. Matt Goetz R-FL when he used the new House rules (with the support of seven others) to oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Republican infighting ensued causing numerous speaker nominees to be rejected. I felt that could damage a much needed “red wave” in the 2024 elections. I surmised that if the Democrats were “terrible” in their current policies, then the R’s were “stupid.”

I was wrong. The Republicans, by unanimous vote, made Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana the 56th Speaker of the House.

He appears to be a divine appointment.

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You Can’t Understand Israel Without God

Many are calling the savage Hamas attack in Israel on October 7, 2023 “Israel’s 9-11.”

On that bloody day, over 1300 people were cruelly murdered, thousands maimed, and hundreds taken hostage. It was the greatest single-day slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust.

As many have pointed out, it was worse than America’s 9-11 because the percentage of Jews killed was far greater than what America lost twenty-two years ago.

Why did it happen?

You can’t understand Israel without God.

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