The Truth About Israel, Gaza, and Hamas

It’s amazing that Israel, a nation of only 8,000 square miles and nine million people (same as New Jersey) sits at the center of world attention. There’s only one reasonable explanation:


I visited Israel in 1974 and what I saw was life-changing. The history of the land, walking in the footsteps of Jesus, and sensing that it stood in the center of a global bullseye, made it the most unique place on earth.

Keep your eyes on Israel.  And don’t believe the lies about the Jews, Gaza, and Hamas. Read More

Two Hundred Christian Nations

In July I wrote an article on the growing criticism of  “Christian Nationalism.” Critics say American believers want to move toward or restore a biblical “theocracy” in the USA. It’s one of many lies being circulated by the secular press. What’s wrong with this thinking?

First, it’s not true. We’ve never had a “theocracy” in our nation. Second, the devil must be scared about a coming revival to be ramping up fear. Third, what’s wrong with “Christian nations?”

They always make people happier and more free.

We need 200 of them worldwide.

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Is The World About to Change?

On November 5, 2008, while taking a prayer walk through the east Texas prairie, God spoke to my heart: “The world is about to change.” I took it as a prophetic glimpse of the future and began to share the warning everywhere I went.

I thought at that time that an economic crash might be imminent. I also saw the decay of the American culture and knew that God is just. 

But the sudden “jolt” didn’t come, though I prepared my work and family for it. Now, fifteen years later, I wonder once again:

Is the world about to change?

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