One Area The USA Shouldn’t Be Exceptional

As a student and teacher of United States history, I’m thrilled at how God took a “hidden continent” (The New World) three hundred years ago and created a nation/civilization never seen before in history. We call that miracle “American Exceptionalism.”

Our biblical faith, melting pot unity, political institutions, social fraternities, political freedoms, and unparalleled blessings have made the United States of America a model for other nations to follow.

But recently something has happened to our populace and civics that is very concerning.

Here’s one area of U.S. culture that shouldn’t be exceptional.

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America’s Exceptional Faith

Some people struggle with the phrase “American exceptionalism.”

Our 44th president, Barack Obama, seemed uncomfortable with the concept when he said, “I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.”

In other words, everyone’s nation is special in their own eyes.

That’s true to a degree, but it’s also a fact that America’s founding was unique to history.  Establishing our Constitutional republic amounted to a 5000 year leap in good government.

But there’s one more thing that makes us unique. What is it?

America’s exceptional faith.

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