We Need A Revival In Education

I have closely followed the pro-Hamas demonstrations on college campuses in the U. S. and around the world the past few weeks. I’ve taught in many YWAM schools worldwide and serve as a professor at Faith International University in Tacoma, Washington. (FIU houses the only seminary in the state of Washington.)

In all the schools in which I’ve been privileged to speak. I’ve never witnessed law-breaking demonstrations of any type. Judeo-Christian-based professors and students try to move in the “opposite spirit” during times of tension. That includes intercessory prayer and promoting reconciliation and healing among opposing viewpoints.

I will share my thoughts on the protests next week. First, let’s ponder what has happened in education to spawn the current chaos.

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Affirmative Action RIP

The U.S. Supreme Court recently struck down Affirmative Action in college admissions.

AA was as unfair and un-American as the recent atheist (woke) meltdown over country singer Jason Aldean’s #1 hit song “Try That In A Small Town.” Due to our biblical heritage, we Americans believe in freedom and equal opportunity for people.

In this article, I want to share Victor Davis Hanson’s wisdom on Affirmative Action while engaging in a little critical thinking. 

May Affirmative Action rest in peace.

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Decay of Conscience & How School Has Changed

You can only change a person, situation, or even nation if you properly analyze the problems and then apply God-given solutions to alter or transform them.

In the Bible the key word meaning “change” is the word repentance. It literally means to “re-think,”–to change your heart and mind.

Last week we looked at two factors in the decay of conscience in our nation–divide and conquer (the destruction of marriage and the family), and moral subversion–the crippling effects of sexual sin.

Here are the final three factors in our 21st century decay of conscience.

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