Understanding Trump and the War Against Globalism

I’m still on college break and up to my eyeballs in projects.

Yet, the world goes on with climate change protests while President Trump spoke on religious freedom at the United Nations (historic) and the Democrats moved to impeach him (ridiculous). Believe it or not, all these items are part of a “game plan” I’ve been studying for some time and about which I’ve done a fair amount of writing.

Recently I saw an article by one of my favorite “thinkers” that shares the same perspective on what is really happening.

I think it’s time to understand Donald Trump’s current role in history (whether he knows it or not) and his war against globalism.

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The Green New Disaster

We spent the last two days digging out from under a record snowfall in the Seattle area. Every muscle in my arms ache.

In all of my 65 years, I’ve never seen two feet of snow descend at sea level in Washington State–and stay on the ground for three weeks (that’s the forecast).

In 1949, 13.1 inches fell at SeaTac airport during the month of February. We’re at 14.1 now–and 24 inches across the water where we live.

This is NOT global warming or climate change. It’s global cooling as confirmed by many “honest” experts.

Now we get the Green New Deal. Are these people idiots, crazy, or just incredibly deceived?

I’m not buying the Green New Disaster.

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I Think I Know What a One World Government Looks Like

Like many followers of Jesus, I cherish the Book of Revelation which closes with God’s Kingdom reign coming to earth. Yet, the apocalyptic aspect of John’s prophecy remains difficult to understand so that, by and large, most of us don’t make it a focus of our daily lives.

Yet, Revelation foresees a time when an evil worldwide government forms on earth before Christ’s return (Revelation 13-19). I never thought much about this event until 1) I read the Left Behind series by Dr. Tim LaHaye (a personal friend of mine) and 2) Recently began to “see” a few things that caused me to wonder.

Now, I think I know what a one world government looks like.

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