Providence and President Trump

Twelve hours after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, I anxiously sat down for my morning devotions. Most days I check my “Life Calendar” to see what happened on this particular date in past years. (My “Life Calendar” can be found on pages 697-714 of One Small Life.)

On July 14, 1973, I recorded my belief in a vital truth:

“God is sovereign in history.” 

America learned that same lesson–again–on July 13, 2024.

Here are my thoughts on God’s Providence and attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

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You Can’t Understand Israel Without God

Many are calling the savage Hamas attack in Israel on October 7, 2023 “Israel’s 9-11.”

On that bloody day, over 1300 people were cruelly murdered, thousands maimed, and hundreds taken hostage. It was the greatest single-day slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust.

As many have pointed out, it was worse than America’s 9-11 because the percentage of Jews killed was far greater than what America lost twenty-two years ago.

Why did it happen?

You can’t understand Israel without God.

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Is The World About to Change?

On November 5, 2008, while taking a prayer walk through the east Texas prairie, God spoke to my heart: “The world is about to change.” I took it as a prophetic glimpse of the future and began to share the warning everywhere I went.

I thought at that time that an economic crash might be imminent. I also saw the decay of the American culture and knew that God is just. 

But the sudden “jolt” didn’t come, though I prepared my work and family for it. Now, fifteen years later, I wonder once again:

Is the world about to change?

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