Have We Entered the Days of Jeremiah?

We are four years behind schedule (due to Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016), but the greatest nation in history now races away from its once firm foundation of “liberty and justice for all” and “In God We Trust.”

The destruction of our national culture is being vastly accelerated.

For forty years the prophet Jeremiah called his nation to return to God. They laughed and refused–and terminal judgment came.

Twenty-five hundred years later another “mystery of iniquity” is destroying America. In fact, the American people voted for these destructive forces to be unleashed (that’s the mystery).

Have we entered the days of Jeremiah?

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Why Didn’t God Answer Our Prayers?

Joe Biden is now the 46th president of the United States. 

It’s not a stretch to say that more people prayed for the 2020 U.S. election that any other presidential contest in history.

Since most secular progressives don’t believe in God or prayer, then we’re talking about millions of traditional Americans (and many others around the world) who prayed for revival, good government, and the re-election of Donald Trump.

Why didn’t God answer our prayers?

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If the Vote Stands We Are a Foolish Nation

We are less than one month away from the certification of the 2020 presidential election. Most people believe that only a miracle can give President Trump a second term.

Yet, mounting evidence exists of systemic voting fraud in America. And historical precedents tell us that no president in history gained a large number seats in the House of Representatives and lost the election (Republicans have won sixteen so far including many women and people of color).

Yet, the odds favor Joe Biden becoming the 46th president of the United States.

If the vote stands, we are a foolish nation.

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