Destroying the Foundations: The Deception of “Saving Democracy”

Let’s finish a trilogy I started a few weeks ago on “Destroying the Foundations.”

Evil, satanic-inspired, destruction is currently being unleashed in the USA and other parts of the globe. Biblical foundations of faith, family, sex, gender, and law & order are being trampled in our nation with alarming social consequences–a potential collapse of Judeo-Christian civilization and all its blessings.

The methods being used in various cities and states are common to all “coups.” We’ve previously talked  about growing censorship and tyranny. The Devil hates true freedom. Yet, much of the damage is being done under the guise of “saving democracy.”

This phrase is nonsense loaded with deception. 

It’s all about power. Read More

Christian Nationalism and the 2024 Election

I previously wrote about the goal of the Great Commission to create Christian nations (countries with majority believers and/or governed by biblical principles). God wants all people to be evangelized (Matthew 28:18-20) and His will done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). 

The 2024 U.S. presidential election will either bring hope for a rebirth of faith in the United States or an increased descent into chaos and totalitarianism.

Here’s my detailed rebuttal to those against “Christian nations.”

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My View of the World 2024

I like to focus the first article of the year on what I see coming in our world. As 2024 begins, I have begun my eighth decade and released my life story in One Small Life: Revival Adventures from My Fifty Year Journal. 

Thus, I’m looking at history from an older man’s vantage point. Yes, our “world view” is influenced by how much time we have left on earth.

Here’s what I see in 2024.

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