Memorial Day 2024: The Bravest Boehme

Today is Memorial Day in the U.S. Over one million men and women gave their lives defending the our country in twelve major wars. Another four million died due to complications after battle.

This afternoon I will accompany my wife and mother to our local cemetery and placed flowers on the headstones of loved ones. Freedom is not free–it’s very costly. And we’re losing it in America due to our sins and apathy.

The person I think about most on Memorial Day is my Uncle Dick whom I’ll have the privilege of meeting in heaven. He died near the end of WWII in 1945.

He was the bravest Boehme. Read More

The Truth About Israel, Gaza, and Hamas

It’s amazing that Israel, a nation of only 8,000 square miles and nine million people (same as New Jersey) sits at the center of world attention. There’s only one reasonable explanation:


I visited Israel in 1974 and what I saw was life-changing. The history of the land, walking in the footsteps of Jesus, and sensing that it stood in the center of a global bullseye, made it the most unique place on earth.

Keep your eyes on Israel.  And don’t believe the lies about the Jews, Gaza, and Hamas. Read More

You Can’t Understand Israel Without God

Many are calling the savage Hamas attack in Israel on October 7, 2023 “Israel’s 9-11.”

On that bloody day, over 1300 people were cruelly murdered, thousands maimed, and hundreds taken hostage. It was the greatest single-day slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust.

As many have pointed out, it was worse than America’s 9-11 because the percentage of Jews killed was far greater than what America lost twenty-two years ago.

Why did it happen?

You can’t understand Israel without God.

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