Naturally Sharing Your Faith

If there’s one major reason for the backslidden state of America or the nation in which you live, it’s believers failing to share their faith.
Lack of light (evangelism and discipleship) always leads to increasing darkness (sinful culture and lost souls).
Though I work with a global organization (YWAM) committed to completing the Great Commission and making disciples of all nations, I confess that I oftentimes don’t share my faith naturally with those I see every day.
And regularly God convicts me to share my faith so that others can be saved.
Here are some honest thoughts on naturally sharing your faith.
Naturally Sharing Your Faith
I’m on a break between quarters at Faith International University. Recently I ran across an article called “The Theology of Work” (no single author) that both convicted and encouraged me to always be looking to share my love for Jesus with others.
I’ve known that truth for many years and been involved in numerous evangelism encounters with Youth With A Mission over the past fifty years. But there are times–especially in the “normal” world around me when I lose my burden for the lost and don’t share my faith as I should.
I believe many followers of Jesus feel the same guilt at times in their workplace, at school, in their own neighborhood, and in the daily routines of life.
The key to erasing the guilt and being used of God is to daily commit to naturally share your faith.
Here are some good thoughts from the “Theology of Work” on being a better witness for Jesus.
The Theology of Work
The suggestion that every Christian is called to share the gospel is unsettling to most Christians, since most of us don’t feel gifted as evangelists.
Although it is thrilling to be part of someone’s journey to faith, broaching a spiritual conversation with colleagues and friends at work, school, or neighborhood can arouse no small amount of angst.
This might be true of you — and for a lot of understandable reasons.
- You might feel unprepared to answer the questions you fear colleagues will throw at you.
- You might feel like broaching spiritual conversations is inappropriate for the workplace or school–or that’s what you’ve been told.
- You might feel a bit intimidated by hostile attitudes toward Christianity held by some coworkers.
- You might think that sharing your faith could create conflict and generate bad feelings with colleagues or friends.
- You might feel unqualified because — well, you know your faith isn’t very exemplary at at times.
Here are some questions which can increase our boldness:
- What if we understood that being part of someone’s journey to faith in Jesus could begin with something as simple as having a cup of coffee with a colleague, encouraging someone who has had a rough week at work, or offering a helping hand to a neighbor under stress?
- What if we truly believed Jesus’ words about sharing the gospel with others?
- What if we believed that Jesus authorizes us to act on His behalf to fulfill our calling as His witnesses at work that “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18)?
- What if His promise is true that “the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26)?
- That if we were confident in Christ’s presence — that He is with us always and everywhere, in every situation (Matthew 28:20)?
- What if even in brief interactions and casual mentions of our faith, we knew the Holy Spirit was at work in the hearts and minds of people to “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8)?
- What if we knew we didn’t have to be perfect and say just the right things — that it was God’s work to draw people to Himself that “no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him” (John 6:44)? What if we understood that simply doing a good job at work can turn on the light for coworkers, “so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16)?
This is what early Christians believed and how they saw their role in fulfilling the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations — and it changed the world.
It’s the greatest communication success story in human history — how the gospel spread across the Mediterranean world and ultimately to every corner of the earth.
Just before His ascension, Jesus outlined His strategic plan for reaching the entire world with the good news of God’s kingdom.
He told His followers:
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
First-century disciples embraced this mission, and followers of Jesus grew from a few hundred before the day of Pentecost to over six million by the end of the third century — considerable growth by anyone’s calculus.
Let’s look at evangelism like this: it is the organic process of intentionally engaging individuals in their spiritual journey. It’s joining the Holy Spirit, watching for where He is already at work to help these individuals take one step closer to God and new life in Christ. It’s becoming the unique reflection of the image of Christ as the resurrected, glorified persons God intended.
Success in evangelism is consistently taking the initiative, using the gifts and opportunities God gives us, to help individuals move one step closer to Jesus.
Two personal examples come to mind. At my 45th high school reunion I simply handed a card to a childhood friend I hadn’t seen in years. I told him to call me whenever he had a need. He kept the card on his dresser for five years, then finally rang me up to because he wanted to make sure he was right with God. After coffee and sharing at a restaurant, I prayed with him in my car and he renewed his personal faith journey.
One month later he was diagnosed with fourth state lung cancer and died within two months. I visited him many times before he passed. At one such meeting, just before his passing, he told me God gave him a dream about “swimming in a river of God’s love,” totally at peace and full of joy.
I’m glad I gave him my card.
Another time Shirley and I prayed over a meal at a restaurant (a natural thing to do). After finishing our food, I noticed a young man at a nearby table with with his head bowed in prayer. I asked him if he was okay. He replied: “Praying for your food made me realize I was away from God and need to get back to him.”
Nate Krupp says the secret of the Early Church was naturally sharing their faith–Everyone! Everywhere! All the Time!
Let’s make it the natural thing to do in our everyday world.
Very good reminder about sharing our faith!
There are opportunities around us AND everywhere.
Sometimes a giving gospel tract can open up further discussions (it works).
Nice to hear from you, Roger. Yes, God can use even a tract to bring people to salvation. I like to encourage people to publish their own little “life story” tract and give it out to people they meet. That adds a personal touch to giving out the literature. My love and greeting to Judy.
I sent you an email.
Thanks for the reminder!
Good article. Thanks!