With Deception and Injustice for All

May 30, 2024 was a sad day in American history. Regardless of your view of former president Donald Trump, he experienced a travesty of justice by being convicted of a felony in New York on petty financial charges. George Soros funded DA Alvin Bragg, Biden-donor Judge Juan Merchan, and twelve jurors did a great disservice to our nation.

I believe this banana republic form of “lawfare” against political enemies—encouraged by the White House—has become a cancer in our nation.

Without revival in the land, we have entered a time of great deception and injustice for all.

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With Liberty and Justice–in Free Fall

In the same manner that faith-based music often ends with a major chord showing completeness and hope in Christ, the Pledge of Allegiance, based on the 5,000 year leap of civil polity found in the United Sates of America, concludes on this triumphant note:

“With liberty and justice for all.”

History had never seen such a government designed for righteous and egalitarian purposes. Despots and strong men ruled the world for millennia. The U.S. shattered that status quo in 1776 and has since led the world in pursuit of freedom and justice.

Not anymore.

The two pillars of a free society to which our children pledge their loyalty are teetering. Liberty and justice are in free fall.

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