If I Were the Devil

I’ve never been big on conspiracy theories though the blocking of the JFK assassination papers from the public makes me wonder what’s being hidden. Fortunately, in the the next life, everything will be revealed (Luke 12:3). I’m sure we’ll be shocked about “what really took place” in history.

I do believe in one conspiracy the Bible describes and is caricatured in C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters and Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness:

The devil and his demons conspiring to destroy human beings.

During the past one hundred years, if I were the devil, what would I do?

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Destroyers and Rebuilders

Many terms are used today to describe the divide in America. Some view it as contest between political parties and their increasingly opposite worldviews. Others focus on the conservative or traditional philosophy of Americans as opposed to liberal or secular-progressive values.

In the matter of Dobbs v. Jackson–the abortion case now before the U.S. Supreme Court–it’s truly a matter of life versus death (of unborn babies). It doesn’t get starker than that.

I’d like to frame the problem as a battle between those who would destroy our faith, culture, and way of life, and those who are committed to reviving or rebuilding it.

Destroyers and rebuilders. Which are you?

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Joe Biden and America in Trouble

If there was ever a time for an electorate to repent (be humble, sorrowful, and change their mind) over the choice of a leader, it’s now.

It’s hard to believe that eighty-one million Americans voted for the 46th president of the United States who is in obvious cognitive decline, with no real principles, who used his office to make his family wealthy, and was known to be on the “wrong side” of every major foreign policy decision he advised.

The Afghanistan tragedy proves Joe Biden is possibly the worst Commander-in-Chief ever– (beating out James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson)–in just seven short months.

And Joe Biden and America are in trouble because of it.

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