Media Deception & Decay of Conscience

Charles Finney once declared that a decay of conscience in America would come from two primary sources–the Church (pastors and spiritual leaders) failing to fill the nation with light (truth and salvation), and the public press (media) promoting lies in their place.

That’s exactly what happening in the USA and many other nations today.

Let’s look at the deceptive power of today’s media.

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What I’m Doing Because of What I See

I’m enjoying daily Bible devotions this year using my “original Bible”–the one I cut my teeth on when I first became a disciple. The old, black, leather book is held together with duct tape and contains the New American Standard translation. It’s wildly marked up after decades of study.

I started reading it from cover-to-cover fifty years ago. Daily Bible-reading is probably the most important habit I ever developed in life–and continues to this day. Reading “God’s thoughts” challenges me to be a doer of his words and priorities. 

Last week I shared a 30,000-foot view of what I see happening in the world. I would be remiss if I didn’t share what I am doing about it.

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The World Makes No Sense Without Tri-focal Vision

The May 24, 1982 entry on my “Life Calendar” records that I spent a day in Washington, D.C. with a spiritual leader who confirmed that I had a prophetic gift. No, not that kind of prophet (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah etc.). Just an individual with a calling to speak for God and an ability to “see” things that others miss.

Part of being prophetic (not pathetic) includes a spiritual warfare perspective—the ability to glimpse realities in the unseen realm. I submit to you that today’s world and all that is happening around us make no sense without tri-focal vision.

Here is what I mean.

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