We Must Work Harder Than the Atheists

In the past few weeks I’ve written on the growth of atheism in America and how we must counteract it. I’ve also shared about the Asbury Revival–signaling possibly a growing Jesus Revolution in our nation.

One or the other is going to prevail in America in the coming years. The atheists will either guide us into social chaos and economic collapse–leading to tyranny. Or an awakening of the Church will sweep the USA and renew our foundations. “Who wins” boils down to this question:

Which group wants it the most and will work the hardest?

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Media Deception & Decay of Conscience

Charles Finney once declared that a decay of conscience in America would come from two primary sources–the Church (pastors and spiritual leaders) failing to fill the nation with light (truth and salvation), and the public press (media) promoting lies in their place.

That’s exactly what happening in the USA and many other nations today.

Let’s look at the deceptive power of today’s media.

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Workers of the World Unite!–for Freedom, not Marxism.

I never thought I’d see the day when I agreed with a Marxist slogan.

“Workers of the World, Unite!” recently became the rallying cry of Canadian and USA truckers to cast off the restraints of vaccine mandates and liberate the North American continent from creeping socialism and tyranny.

Let’s join the truckers on our side of the border, and shout out with them, “Workers of the world, unite!” We must take a stand against Covid tyranny–now.

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