Another Prophet Falls

I was planning on writing an article this week on a major moral issue. To expound it from different sources, I copied a television monologue from Tucker Carlson to encourage you to watch because of its brilliance and clarity.

That topic will be postponed for another day. 

Tucker Carlson was released from Fox News on Monday morning, April 24, sending shockwaves through the media world and nation.

Here’s my perspective on the fall of an American prophet.

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Media Deception & Decay of Conscience

Charles Finney once declared that a decay of conscience in America would come from two primary sources–the Church (pastors and spiritual leaders) failing to fill the nation with light (truth and salvation), and the public press (media) promoting lies in their place.

That’s exactly what happening in the USA and many other nations today.

Let’s look at the deceptive power of today’s media.

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The New American Pravda and How to Navigate It

Pravda means “True” or “Truth” and was a newspaper published in the Soviet Union from 1918-91 as the official news organ of the communist state. It contained pure propaganda–telling the Russian people what their totalitarian bosses wanted them to hear.

I traveled into the USSR in the mid-1970’s. At the border they confiscated Bibles, tracts, even a copy of TIME magazine I carried in my backpack.  I asked why? They said bluntly: “The materials are anti-Soviet.” In other words, they denied free speech and wanted a monopoly on public information.

We now see a New American “Pravda” flowing throughout the United States–the secular media and it’s woke/cancel culture.

Here’s how I’ve learned to navigate it.

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