Critical Race Theory and Satan’s Voice

Much is happening in our world this week with the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada, (we need one in every nation), tensions on the Ukrainian border, and the censorship battle over the “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

The global civil war for freedom and souls is heating up–and we must be armed with knowledge and on be fire in prayer.

I also chatted on-line this week with a friend who helped widen my vision of the spiritual war and “voices” we hear. I was reminded about one of the bigger lies of the current worldview war–Critical Race Theory– and how to recognize Satan’s voice in it.

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The World Makes No Sense Without Tri-focal Vision

The May 24, 1982 entry on my “Life Calendar” records that I spent a day in Washington, D.C. with a spiritual leader who confirmed that I had a prophetic gift. No, not that kind of prophet (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah etc.). Just an individual with a calling to speak for God and an ability to “see” things that others miss.

Part of being prophetic (not pathetic) includes a spiritual warfare perspective—the ability to glimpse realities in the unseen realm. I submit to you that today’s world and all that is happening around us make no sense without tri-focal vision.

Here is what I mean.

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