We Need A Revival In Education

I have closely followed the pro-Hamas demonstrations on college campuses in the U. S. and around the world the past few weeks. I’ve taught in many YWAM schools worldwide and serve as a professor at Faith International University in Tacoma, Washington. (FIU houses the only seminary in the state of Washington.)

In all the schools in which I’ve been privileged to speak. I’ve never witnessed law-breaking demonstrations of any type. Judeo-Christian-based professors and students try to move in the “opposite spirit” during times of tension. That includes intercessory prayer and promoting reconciliation and healing among opposing viewpoints.

I will share my thoughts on the protests next week. First, let’s ponder what has happened in education to spawn the current chaos.

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Why I Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Day

On January 16, I joined millions of Americans in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

During the day, I also saw articles and listened to commentary by some folks who questioned Dr. King’s fitness to have a national holiday named for him.

I understood their concerns, but disagreed with their conclusion. 

Here’s why I celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Day.

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Vote! Let Your Voice (Words) Be Heard

The USA mid-term elections take place in six days. For a number of decades, a growing cultural civil war has escalated in America between the proponents of atheism/secularism in America and our Judeo-Christian heritage. 

We all must pray and vote wisely in the November 8, 2022 mid-term elections. It is yet one more example of the power of words. Read More