Keep Jesus At the Center

One of the blessings of keeping a lifetime journal is celebrating “special days” on my Life Calendar.

On July 19,1973, God spoke to me, a bewildered but passionate twenty-year old, to become a “teacher of his Word” as part of my calling. I have fulfilled that assignment for the past fifty years in many settings around the world.  

The most provocatively titled teaching I’ve ever given is called “The Secret of Happiness.” 

It has to do with putting Jesus at the CENTER of your life.

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We Must Work Harder Than the Atheists

In the past few weeks I’ve written on the growth of atheism in America and how we must counteract it. I’ve also shared about the Asbury Revival–signaling possibly a growing Jesus Revolution in our nation.

One or the other is going to prevail in America in the coming years. The atheists will either guide us into social chaos and economic collapse–leading to tyranny. Or an awakening of the Church will sweep the USA and renew our foundations. “Who wins” boils down to this question:

Which group wants it the most and will work the hardest?

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My View of the World 2023

Throughout 2022, my “view of the world” was filtered through the writing my own life story–a project which was completed in November. In One Small Life, which  will come out this year, I gaze at history through a seventy year perspective (1953-2023). 

This morning I received the final piece for the book–The Foreword by Leland Paris–which reinforced my thoughts on global events and what God is calling us to do. I will end this piece with Leland’s wise perspective.

But first, here’s My View of the World 2023.

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