Naturally Sharing Your Faith

If there’s one major reason for the backslidden state of America or the nation in which you live, it’s believers failing to share their faith.

Lack of light (evangelism and discipleship) always leads to increasing darkness (sinful culture and lost souls).

Though I work with a global organization (YWAM) committed to completing the Great Commission and making disciples of all nations, I confess that I oftentimes don’t share my faith naturally with those I see every day.

And regularly God convicts me to share my faith so that others can be saved

Here are some honest thoughts on naturally sharing your faith.

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The Baptism Revival

In the closing chapter of my autobiography, One Small Life, I analyze the messages of Israel’s greatest prophets–Isaiah and Jeremiah.

Jeremiah prophesied during a time of terminal judgment. He focused on the negative–the sins of a “falling nation.” Isaiah preached repentance also, but in the the second half of his book he gloried in the positive–God’s revival power and Eternal Kingdom.

Both prophets remind me of the parable of the wheat and the weeds (tares). Jesus said both evil and revival would grow simultaneously during the last days. I write often about growing evil to incite us to prayer and action. But let’s focus today on the positive (wheat). 

The Baptism Revival.

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The War of 2024

God designed human beings to value and seek three critical realities:

Truth. Goodness. Beauty (the cultural trinity). 

Truth is the most important because it gives perspective to everything. Jesus declared and backed up with his life:

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me (John 14:6). 

With the collapse of Western Judeo-Christian norms in the latter 20th and early 21st centuries, it’s becoming more difficult to know what’s true–in every area.

Here are some thoughts on the War of 2024 and knowing the truth.

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