Teach Us to Number Our Hours

In my early thirties I came to love the only psalm in Scripture written by Moses–Psalm 90.

The phrase in that chapter that stood out is verse twelve:

So, teach us to number our days that we may become wise (Psalm 90:12).

It means: Don’t waste time. Use your short stay on earth wisely. Be thoughtful, intentional.

Now, I am asking God to number my hours.

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How to Wake Up to a Meaningful Life

On-line dictionaries define “woke” as being “alert to injustice or racism.” It really means politically correct/progressive which is a cover for Marxism-Socialism (e.g. the three founders of Black Lives Matter are avowed Marxists).

Woke Cancel Culture wants to rid America of its Christian heritage and principles–and is doing a pretty good job of it today.

I will never be “woke” because I love Jesus Christ, His purpose for America and nations, and my belief in Truth–the biblical worldview. And many years ago, I really woke up to a fabulously meaningful life.

You can too.

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