See What God is Doing and Join In

I recently attended a local pastors meeting to share a burden on my heart. I wanted the leaders to be inspired by God’s current work in our nation/world and get involved.

I specifically encouraged them to promote the Baptism Revival in our area. A “Summer of Baptisms” is exploding throughout the USA in answer to prayer. So far, the largest expression (possibly in history) took place a month ago in Southern California when 14,000 people gave their lives to Jesus and were baptized in the ocean.

The water’s too cold in the Northwest for that, but I told the pastors that lakes, pools, and hot tubs would work fine.

I wanted them to experience the current move of God’s Spirit.

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Before I Leave This Earth

Two men I admire died recently and neither left this earth on their own terms. Floyd McClung, Jr. was a gentle giant who taught our mission to love the unlovely and personally helped me with a book on leadership. Dave Frederick was a long-time friend who set a marvelous example of caring for at-risk kids and the homeless.

Floyd contracted a disease in Africa that left him unable to communicate and care for himself the last five years of his life. Dave died of hereditary cancer that took the life of his dad at forty-eight, and him, after a lengthy battle, at sixty-six.

Neither ended his life on earth as desired. Few people do–and those who schedule it may have a problem in eternity. So, how should we live our final days if given the chance to chart it?

Here are my thoughts before I leave this earth.

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How to Wake Up to a Meaningful Life

On-line dictionaries define “woke” as being “alert to injustice or racism.” It really means politically correct/progressive which is a cover for Marxism-Socialism (e.g. the three founders of Black Lives Matter are avowed Marxists).

Woke Cancel Culture wants to rid America of its Christian heritage and principles–and is doing a pretty good job of it today.

I will never be “woke” because I love Jesus Christ, His purpose for America and nations, and my belief in Truth–the biblical worldview. And many years ago, I really woke up to a fabulously meaningful life.

You can too.

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