We Must Revive the Triune Role of the Church on Earth

I was listening recently to a news anchor lament people leaving the Catholic Church. His theory about the exodus? The priests giving boring sermons that didn’t relate to people’s lives.

He’s right. Many church gatherings are routine, messages put people to sleep, and they lack a “God encounter” that excites and changes a person’s life.

But there’s more to it. The people of God–the Church–has at least three distinct roles to play in human life and culture. When any of them is missing or unclear, people wander from the faith and God’s work is diminished.

We must revive the triune role of the Church on earth.

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Does America Have Enough Faith to Remain Free?

I love the United States of America. On July 4, 2021, we will celebrate the “Glorious Revolution” that brought 245 years of the world’s richest “experiment in liberty.”

One historian calls the creation of the USA the “five thousand year leap” from authoritarian rulers of all cultures and types (with a few brief exceptions) to an immense nation “of the people, by the people and for the people.”

There is no parallel in history–except ancient Israel. But they squandered their freedom, became slaves to self interest, were conquered, and scattered–until a sovereign rebirth in 1948.

Here’s a great question of the 2020’s: Does America have enough faith to remain free?

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Who Will Stop the Murder/Suicide of America?

I believe evil forces are trying to “kill” the faith, morality, freedom, and prosperity of America.

At the same time, millions of Americans willingly or unconsciously contribute to their own cultural suicide through ignorance, apathy, or blindly casting their votes for their oppressors.

Murder/suicide is a strong term. But I believe it fits. And someone needs to do something about it.

Who will stop the murder/suicide of America?

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