Our National Day of Prayer – May 2, 2024

With organized anti-Semitic protests erupting on college campuses and war in the Middle East and Ukraine, we must fervently pray for a heaven-sent revival.

Thursday, May 2, is America’s National Day of Prayer. Important gatherings will take place in Washington, D.,C. and in thousands of cities and towns. 

Will you pray for America and the world this Thursday, May 2? Read More

Who Will Weep for America?

Thursday, May 4, is the National Day of Prayer (NDP) in America.

I had the privilege of helping establish it as the first Thursday in May during the mid to late 1980’s. In 2023, we must tearfully call upon God to revive and restore our nation because we are in grave trouble as a people.

Who will weep for America?

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Real Love

The National Day of Prayer is this Thursday, May 5. I encourage you to spend special time talking to God.

The more you pray, the more you’ll understand God’s burden for people and nations. And you’ll learn that God is love (1 John 4:8).

The world understands little about real love. For some, it is equated with sexual desire and lust. For others, it is a mood that you can fall in or out of. The confusion exists because we’ve separated the definition of love from its author and greatest expression, Jesus Christ.

Love is the key to our 21st century problems. But how must we live it?

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