I Miss Coats and Ties

This past week Majority leader Chuck Schumer D-NY changed the 234-year old dress code for the United States Senate. Senators will now be able to wear whatever they want on the chamber floor after Schumer directed the sergeant at arms not to enforce the Senate’s informal dress code.


Two centuries of etiquette and excellence gone. For what and whom?

This is not the biggest issue facing our nation, but it’s a symptom of cultural rot. I don’t like it. 

I miss ties and coats. 

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An Average Joe Committed to Jesus

On September 1, 2023, just seven miles from our home, Coach Joe Kennedy of the Bremerton Knights knelt silently on the fifty yard line and prayed for ten seconds after a football game.

He had been prevented from doing so for eight long years as he fought for the right to pray in public in our once faith-based nation.

I admire Coach Kennedy, though I’ve never met him. We need more people like him.

We need more average Joe’s who are committed to Jesus.

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When I Was in My Prime

For the past fifty-one years, I have read the book of Job every August as a part of my daily devotional habit. 

Job is one of the unsung heroes of Scripture who wrote one of the oldest books in the Bible. Most scholars believe he lived near the time of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). His honesty is refreshing (you can argue with God!), and his repentance at the end of the story is powerful.

After calamity struck, Job reminisced about being in his “prime.”

I’ve come to believe that the prime of life may not be what you think.

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