Hell’s Greatest Hits

A quote often attributed to 18th century Scottish writer and politician Andrew Fletcher describes the power of music:

Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.

I agree. Songs can move us to good or evil like few things on earth.

Music is a gift from God to angels and humans to express their worship of Him and celebrate the wonders of His world. The biggest book in the Bible is Music–the Psalms (Songs). Music will be perfected in heaven beyond our imagination.

However, since music has amazing influence, the powers of hell have used it in our fallen world to deceive people and draw them away from God’s reality and truth.

Here’s my take on Hell’s Greatest Hits…

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God’s Walls of Sexual Blessing

When I was young, I traveled around the world in missions looking for a wife then returned to my hometown (briefly) and met her–in a revival.

That’s a great place to find a bride. Honesty, transparency, and brokenness are great foundations upon which to base a marriage.

Our courtship also involved Valentine’s Day–which is Friday this week.

Here’s our story—and the truth about God’s walls of sexual blessing.

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My View of the World – 2020

The second decade of the 21st century has begun and it’s easy to play off the number “2020.” For most of my life my vision was 20/800, corrected only by contact lenses. Since having cataract surgery, I can see “20/20” without help.

I’m also trying to spiritually glimpse what is in store for the planet in 2020 and beyond, and will do my best today to share what I “see.”

Here’s my view of the world in the year of our Lord 2020.

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