The Only Thing Progressive About Progressivism is Tyranny

For five decades I have watched liberalism morph into progressivism–and that’s not a good thing.

Being “progressive” sounds forward thinking and cool. However, the unfolding Covid-19 pandemic with its lock downs and numerous governor/mayor edicts has exposed this dangerous philosophy as anything but positive or in favor of progress.

We now see plainly that the only thing progressive about progressivism is tyranny.

Here’s the evidence.

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Progressivism’s Fatal Flaw

The English language contains many words to describe lack of faith in God.

Atheism seems to be the root term–though it appears harsh to some people. Secularism is similar, and simply means “worldly.” Then there is humanism which sounds cool but begins and ends with human beings (no God).

Then there are the sensual terms like hedonism and narcissism, and also political expressions such as fascism, Nazism and communism.

The most popular word in contemporary culture is progressivism–which really means “moving beyond  biblical beliefs” (to them, that’s “progress”).

Progressives want to create a post-Christian world.

Progressivism is not progress, and has one fatal flaw.

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Why I Reject Progressivism: It Hurts People in This Life and the Next

The Senate voted 51-50 today (with Vice President Mike Pence breaking the tie), to move forward with the debate on repealing and replacing Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act). This remains the biggest unfulfilled pledge of the 2016 presidential campaign and will not be easy to accomplish.

Why? Because people like free money and politicians know it.

All 48 Democratic senators voted against the motion to debate. The Democrats move in lock step with the progressive movement. They not only want the ACA to remain, but covet single-payer health care in the United States. Single payer means the federal government controls your life and health.

Two Republican senators–Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska–voted with the Dems because they are progressives at heart. They should probably change parties.

Why do we want the ACA to die a much needed death? For the same reason I reject progressivism.

It hurts people in this life and the next. Read More