Donald Trump and the Heroes of the New American Revolution

We shed a few tears while watching Monday’s inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States. He is only the second chief executive in our history to serve two non-consecutive terms.
The first was Grover Cleveland who led the nation 1885-89 and and 1893-97. Upon leaving the White House the first time, his wife Francis remarked, “We are coming back four years from today.“
She was right–but Cleveland’s second term did not fair well.
There is greater optimism for Donald’s Trump return. He successfully achieved the greatest political comeback in U.S. history against a hostile media and government lawfare against him. It was an amazing accomplishment.
But there are many other heroes behind this new American Revolution.
Donald Trump and the Heroes of the New American Revolution
I’m celebrating today on a number of fronts. According to my “Life Calendar,” I began writing blogs exactly 25 years ago on January 21, 2000–a half century of sharing insights and perspective.
The theme of my first blog attempt? The “Abysmal Dud of Y2K.”
“We’ve come a long way, baby,” since that fake apocalypse–both in world evangelism and growing evil.
Shirley and I also remember being in the crowd in Washington, D.C. on January 20, 1980–45 years ago–when Ronald Reagan was sworn in as our 40th president. Following the dismal Carter presidency, Reagan brought “Morning in America” via good policies, faith in God, and optimism toward America’s future.
We served as missionaries in the nation’s capital for most of Reagan’s two terms–which brought a vital renewal to the United States. His leadership led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the greatest global thrust in missions history.
Missiologists estimate that more people gave their lives to Jesus in the 1990s (following the Reagan Revolution) than all of history combined.
Leadership, or a lack thereof, has consequences.
The original American Revolution and War for Independence featured many important players. The Adams cousins, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Marquis de Lafayette, and thousands of colonists who fought and voted for the world’s first Judeo-Christian republic.
Now Donald Trumps enters the Oval Office again, following the disastrous years of Joe Biden. He is wiser, better organized, and deeply committed to “making America great again”–what he calls a “New Golden Age.”
I believe we’re experiencing the birth of a 21st century American revolution that could bring great blessings to the USA and the world. This second revolution–America will be 250 years old in 2026–could be even more consequential if we cooperate with God’s purposes.
There are many people to thank and pray for in 2025.
Let’s honor a few of our modern-day heroes.
Elon Musk. It’s not hyperbole to say that the billionaire entrepreneur may have saved free speech in this generation through his April 14, 2022 purchase of Twitter. Prior to Musk’s action, both the USA and the world were sliding into totalitarianism and its denial of human freedom. Musk liberated Twitter (now X) from censorship and opened the doors for other traditional and social media groups to follow. Jarrett Stepman says: “One rogue billionaire [restored] some semblance of free speech in the West.”
Now Facebook is following Musk’s lead. Michael Barone quotes Mark Zuckerberg:
We’ve reached a point where there’s just too many mistakes and too much censorship. We’re restoring free speech on our platforms…We’re going to get rid of the fact-checkers and replace them with community notes similar to X.” No wonder free market economist Alex Tabarrok posted, “Elon buying Twitter is saving the world.”
Charlie Kirk. The founder of Turning Point USA emerged this election cycle as a vital, young “general” for mobilizing youth across the nation to turn out the vote in the seven swing states and other races. Kirk is a rising star in our world with faith, moxie, and organizational skills to impact the voting habits of many Americans. He is now setting his sights on inspiring generations of younger adults to fight long-term for America’s future.
Bill O’Reilly, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan are just a few of many leaders in the new media who are displacing the progressive and authoritarian voices. Liberal media outlets are dying and the truth is flourishing on O’Reilly’s independent No Spin News broadcast (largest in the world), Tucker Carlson’s insightful multi-hour interviews, and Joe Rogan’s highest rated podcast–to name just a few.
Free speech and wise information are helping to lead this 21st century American renewal which is impacting many other nations, cultures, politics, and coming elections.
Reilly Gaines. A courageous, young, woman athlete who has been leading the charge for sanity and basic biology in women’s sports. She inspired President Trump to declare in his inaugural address: “There are just two genders: male and female.” When a federal judge recently blocked Joe Biden’s insane Title IX change, Gaines responded:
Huge win for girls and women everywhere!!! This morning, a federal court ruled in favor of reality. Biden’s Title IX rewrite has been vacated nationwide. Common sense is slowly returning. Thank you.
Thank you, Reilly, for leading the charge promoting “reality” and “common sense” regarding men and women.
While some heroes have been laboring in the trenches of issues and politics, others are being used by God to ignite spiritual revival across the United States–what I call the “Baptism Revival.”
Tonya Prewett (Unite US) and Jenny Weaver (Core Group). These courageous women are helping to ignite spiritual renewal throughout the the United States. Prewett, Allen, the leaders of The Send, and many others are sowing spiritual fires around America–especially on college campuses.
Spiritual awakening and social/political change go hand in hand.
It’s interesting that Ohio State University won the recent national college football championship game this week against Notre Dame 34-23. OSU football players have led the nation for months in what I have called “Football Faith.”
When revival hits, it touches every aspect of life.
Donald Trump. He is the most visible and probably the most unlikely hero of the New American Revolution. I have never heard such a God-focused and bold policy inaugural speech as President Trump delivered Monday in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building.
Newt Gingrich’s take on it is worth reading.
Among the God-truths he shared:
- “An assassin’s bullet ripped through my ear, but I felt then and believe even more so now that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.”
- “I will give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy and indeed their freedom.”
- “We will not forget our country, we will not forget our Constitution, and we will not forget our God.”
Then he hit the ground running signing scores of executive orders to benefit all Americans.
Millions of you who prayed, worked, and voted for national change are heroes as well. Thank you.
What is the common denominator for all who participated? The pursuit of the truth.
That’s why the greatest hero of all-time is Jesus Christ who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6). He is the source of truth in all of our lives because he is the Truth–King of kings and Lord of lords.
A second American revolution has begun. It will be resisted with vigor by the ungodly–just like the first American Revolutionary War.
Let’s continue to be seekers of God’s truth in our homes, neighborhoods, nations, and world.
Start with prayer, then do what God shows you to do.
Thanks Ron for your blog
Praying for USA
Fellow Christians, please do not make an idol of Mr. Trump (what he seems to want, BTW)!
Many of my long-term devoted friends evidenced this tendency in the past year, and because of their ever-present readiness to laud him and his triumphant return to power I tend to avoid talking to them. I voted for Trump twice, but this time I felt checked, and ended up “wasting” my vote on the Libertarian candidate. I trust God, but I don’t trust President Trump. Sure, I see God at work through this belligerent narcissist, but I believe it makes true God-fearers/Jesus-followers look shallow, callous, and myopic to so vociferously and un-discerningly celebrate him and his tribal agenda.
PLEASE, no gloating, no false confidence that now we’ll be okay, no spiking of the football in the end zone, and no purchasing/wearing of Trump merch! We need more than ever to cry out to God that HIS will would be done in this nation and in this incredibly broken and vulnerable world.
I’m going to write a blog on that very subject, Sharon. The one word missing from the inaugural speech was “Humility.”
Good observation!
I intend to pray against Trump’s excessive pride. Oh, that he would not become Nebuchadnezzar! Is it symbolic that he got shot in the ear? Oh that he would listen as much as he speaks! I do believe he is God’s Cyrus, a tool and that’s all.