Two Deaths, One Hope: In Memory of Tim Allen (1956-2019)

Shirley and I were enjoying our regular “Family Night” gathering with our two moms on Monday when a call came that our close friend, Tim Allen, had suddenly died at the age of 62.

No, not that Tim Allen.

Our Tim Allen and his wife Julie have been close friends for nearly three decades.

Also, on Monday, I read a sad story about another kind of death–this of a spiritual nature. It broke my heart more than the passing of Tim.

Two deaths. One hope. And one very important question that every person must answer.

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What We’ve Prayed For for 46 Years

When abortion became legal nationwide on January 22, 1973, I was oblivious to Roe v. Wade–being a naive 19 year-old, living in New Zealand and looking for God’s plan for my life.

Soon thereafter, I became educated and burdened. I began to pray against the abortion holocaust and participated in marches in Washington, D.C.–some with upwards of 100,000 in attendance.

Yet, abortion remained the law of the land for decades despite an estimated 60 million babies being slaughtered on the altars of the Sexual Revolution.

That may be about to change.

It’s what we’ve prayed for for 46 years.

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The Most Unsafe Space in the World

A conservative speaker was recently refused access to speak on a major college campus in America. The reason given was that some students would feel “unsafe” if he was allowed to share.

There are many unsafe places in our world. Radical Muslim nations, drug cartel areas, Chinese and North Korean gulags, and some inner cities (Chicago?) come to mind.

But there’s one place on earth that’s FAR more unsafe than all of them combined.

A mother’s womb.

In the era of “Patty Murder.”

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