My View of the World 2025

A new calendar year is upon us, the “Year of our Lord 2025.”
My wife reminded me this morning that it’s hard to believe “Y2K” was 25 years ago. I told her that was because of “OA” (Old Age) with the clock spinning faster than when we were young.
I like to begin each year with my view of the world–what God is doing–and how we can be a part of it. Our lives are never bigger than our vision. What do you see in 2025 for the planet of “God’s visitation” (Earth). What is God up to and how can we join his plans?
Here are my thoughts. I’d love to hear yours.
My View of the World 2025
I see the world differently this January than I did in 2024.
Last year evil seemed to be triumphing in many parts of the world including the United States. Things looked very dark on the international and national horizon with growing totalitarianism and demonic brazenness. It was easy to think that the Last Days were right before us and the Return of Jesus imminent.
That may still be true. (Only God knows and He never tells).
But it appears we are living in a third major renewal of the last 100 years. The first took place post-World War II with the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan and 20th century evangelism crusades. Many of we (Baby Boomers) came into the world during that era of “peace.”
After cultural decline in the 60s and 70s, God once again brought revival in the 80s and 90s through united prayer, the Reagan Revolution, an evangelism explosion (more people got saved in the 1990’s than all of history combined), and the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Faith in Jesus exploded globally in Africa, Latin America, and Asia launching The Fourth Wave in global missions.
In 2025–with world population at 8.2 billion and the Church growing to 2.6 billion (31%)–we have entered possibly the greatest revival in history where billions more people could come to Jesus in a short space of time.
I have never been more “hopeful” in my entire life.
Here are a few signs of hope (from a primarily American perspective).
Gen Z Hope
Intercessors for America reports this year opened with 100,000 young people gathering at various events to worship the Lord with revival blazing on a dozen university campuses (all but one secular). Political commentator Tucker Carlson believes we’re seeing revival:
“We are poised before the next Great Awakening in American history.”
Call it the second “Student Volunteer Movement.” Many universities are pregnant with revival. Here are some amazing stats:
- Last February 4,500 gathered to worship at Florida State University and baptized hundreds in a fountain.
- Sparked by the Collegiate Day of Prayer on February 29, 24/7 prayer shocked the campus of Liberty University.
There were 260 baptized at the University of Alabama in March. - In April 150 were baptized in the beds of pickup trucks at the University of Georgia. Eight thousand young people gathered at the University of Tennessee on April 30, and 150 were baptized.
- In August revival sparked at Ohio State University when football players gathered thousands and many were baptized. On August 29, students led an event at Texas A&M Corpus Christi that attracted nearly 1,500 students with 62 baptisms.
- About 10,000 from 67 universities gathered at the University of Arkansas on September 19 to seek the Lord.
October 1, 6,000 gathered at Mississippi State University to pray and repent. 1,000 of them committed their lives to the Lord. - Nearly 6,600 worshipped at Ole Miss (University of Mississippi), a top party school, on October 10. Many were baptized in the back of a pickup truck.
- In October 10,000 gathered to worship the Lord at Texas A&M.
During the last five years, The Send has mobilized 150,000 young people for missions. They recorded the “mission commitments:” High schools, 26,232, Universities, 13,174, Local communities, 58,975, Nations, 24,957, Vulnerable Children 72,983, Bible Engagement 81,249.
At Pirate’s Cove, California, where many were baptized during the Jesus Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, 65 pastors baptized 2,000 on July 27.
Sean Feucht and Let Us Worship finished out their Kingdom to the Capitol tour, bringing worship and repentance to all 50 state capitols. On the National Mall on October 12, Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), 300,000 gathered to pray with 10 million joining online.
Governmental Hope
Donald Trump stunned the world on November 5 via the biggest political comeback in history winning 312 Electoral College votes, the swing states, and the popular vote to become the 47th president of the USA. The people spoke–a clear victory for democracy, a needed change of direction, and possible renewal of our constitutional republic.
For the first time in our lifetimes, I believe there is hope for reining in big government (DOGE) and renewing our American institutions. Ward Clark gives a political view of hope:
Now, 85 percent of Republicans, 49 percent of Independents, and 38 percent of Democrats were among those who replied they were “hopeful.” Honestly, given the wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from Democrats these days, it’s amazing that as many as 38 percent of Democrats are “hopeful.”
It’s “Morning in America” once again and we must pray for full “sunshine.” God is also using Javier Milei in Argentina, Nyib Bukele in El Salvador, and a number of rising European leaders to bring hopeful governmental renewal to other nations.
Economic Hope
There is hope President Trump will address the 36 trillion dollar debt bomb in the U.S. and unleash the American work ethic and ingenuity. Americans citizens are already pursuing business hope. RedState shares:
Despite the challenges of recent years, Americans have proven that the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and thriving. Americans have filed over 25 million new business applications since 2020. This surge in entrepreneurship isn’t just a data point—it’s a testament to the enduring strength of the American Dream.
In 2021 alone, according to the same Commerce Institute study, 5.4 million individuals took the bold step of starting their own businesses, breaking previous records. That momentum continued into 2023, with 5.5 million new business applications—another historic high. America isn’t broken, it is thriving in ways that only those with an optimistic spirit, courage and vision can fully appreciate.
Educational Hope
The governmental renewal could spill over into “school choice” in many states for the kids. Maybe it’s already begun in the “libraries.” Actor and family activist Kirk Cameron shares why:
On June 1, 2024, the Guinness Book of World Records chronicled the world’s largest drag queen story: 263 people showed up. We organized alternative Christian story hours at libraries across the country: more than 35,000 people attended across 350 libraries…In Indianapolis, 3000 were waiting in line and those who didn’t fit inside began singing “God Bless America” and the “Star Spangled Banner.” Similarly, large crowds showed up in Los Angeles, New York City, Washington, D.C., Seattle, and even San Francisco.
I can feel the rumblings of revival under my feet everywhere I go. The right way to reclaim our culture is from the inside out. It starts with a transformation within each of our hearts and hearts of our children and grandchildren. It’s happened before and can happen again.
My home church baptized 100 people this past year. That’s more than we baptized in the previous ten. Faith International University (where I teach) has its largest student body in history this coming quarter. We’re in an exponential growth curve of training people of all ages to change the world.
Gary Randall describes what is happening:
America is exhaling again…Biblical Christians also believe that a cultural and social revival will follow as spiritual renewal occurs in our country…I am hopeful.
So am I, with my eyes upon Jesus.
How about you?
We are so blessed to have a multitude of sources for news, some accurate, many biased, but we have CHOICES. Many countries do not. God gives us discernment and that adds to the blessings. The enemy wants to suppress the truth in unrighteousness but God is not allowing it in America. We’re responsible to spread the truth whenever possible. Thanks for doing just that, Ron.
We need to get together and catch up. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you, Ron and Shirley.
I too am very optimistic about 2025 and the next four years. I believe the Lord has given us another opportunity to follow him and be active as Christians in our community these next four years. That is going to take Christian’s getting out of their prayer, closets and being active, and also pastors from the pulpit, not being afraid to speak biblical truth and take on policy issues that are going on in their communities, which sadly has not been happening. One such church that is taking the lead on the peninsula and actually even in Washington state is Harborview Fellowship in Gig Harbor. Pastor Mike Riches never closed down during Covid and continues to be a beacon of light for Christians everywhere.
I’m extremely happy about what I’ve been seeing with young people as well, as these will be future Christian leaders.
Jacki and I are committed to praying and being active.
God bless you and your family
Prayer and action! You’re doing it and I’m proud of you. That’s my heart 100%.
Happy new year! May God continue to bless you 🙏. I appreciate your blog so much, keep on keeping on!
Thanks, Don. When can we get you over for a classmate event?
I will keep keeping on….for Jesus.
Ron, Have a blessed New Year as we enjoy the sounds and scenes of hope. Jan and I send our love. We also appreciate this article which confirms our expectations and all you write. Keep it up. In particular, I am grateful for the information you have gleaned of real events regarding revival!
Always wonderful to hear from you, Derrel. “Sounds and scenes of hope” are exactly what we need. I commit to pass them on.
Thanks for being faithful in prayer. My love and greeting to Jan.
Happy New Year, Dear Friend. May God Bless, Celebrate And Love You And Yours. 💙