Jesus Revolution 2.0 Multiplies

I’m on a break this week between college quarters and want to encourage you by the multiplication of Jesus Revolution 2.0.
The move of God that began as the Asbury Revival is becoming increasingly decentralized as it spreads across the country. It’s popping up in many places, from secular colleges to theaters to youth events to special church services, with passionate responses to God’s outpouring of His Holy Spirit.
Here are various reports to inspire you (with some photos and videos).
Jesus Revolution 2.0 Multiplies
People are choosing to give their lives to Christ after seeing the Jesus Revolution movie. Here’s one clip of prayer and revival breaking out in a theater in Miami, Florida.
Nick Hall reports an outpouring of God’s power leading to repentance from sins like pornography, marijuana, lust, and more at Oral Roberts University this week.
“I can barely put to words what God is doing right now across the nation… The hunger in this generation is unlike anything that I have seen in my life,” he said.
“If we draw near to Him, if we make room, he will move. I think the biggest things that are in the way right now are, number 1, our sin, and number 2, our plans. So, I want to invite you to open your hands and get desperate.
Here’s from a youth rally in Portland.
And in Washington, D.C. an extended, revival service.
The awakening has also been felt at the Western Kentucky University at Bowling Green, where groups of students have been gathering together for prayer and worship. Baptist Campus Ministry Pastor Tommy Johnson told the Christian Post that the student gatherings were directly a result of the Asbury revival.
“We have seen a ripple effect from Asbury on the WKU campus. Several students from WKU attended services at Asbury,” he explained. “After returning from Asbury, several of them gathered for prayer and worship at the chapel on WKU’s campus and invited other students to join that night.”
Meanwhile, 326 miles to the northeast at Ohio State University, Beth Sanders, the admin of the Facebook group Ohio State Gatherings, posted this clip.
And down on the Texas coast, the revival at Texas A&M continues.
The New Life Young Adults shared a Facebook post of students bowing down before God, along with an appropriate Bible verse. The group wrote: “Walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied” (Acts 9:31).
At the university’s main campus in College Station students are meeting regularly together on Monday nights at Aggie Park on campus.
One place where the outpouring is being felt is Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. At a recent meeting, 300 students came to join the Collegiate Day of Prayer simulcast from Asbury in Wilmore, Kentucky. Dr. Malachi O’Brien posted to Twitter on Wednesday that the students brought in a pool for what they thought would be three baptisms – instead twenty-one people came forward to be baptized.
Pastor Dave Shockey of the Purdue Christian Campus House:
“Some of our student leaders were thinking about going to Asbury, but felt like God asked them do stay at Purdue and do an event here. Several ministries at Purdue joined together for the night to join the collaborative prayer and worship event. We had students from a lot of other churches and ministries.”
“The night was focused on reflecting and praising God for how good he was. We talked about baptism and baptized the students who had planned to be baptized. Made an invitation for any others who wanted to be baptized and a line started to form. We baptized about 8-10 more people and had to pause so we could keep worshipping and praying. Students shared testimonies and praises. Other students led corporate repentance and prayer…It was a wild night.”
Nick Hall wants the revival to spread nationwide. “God is moving. It’s not over. It’s just starting.” Like Hall, many people who visited Asbury felt rejuvenated and renewed by the Holy Spirit. They understood the urgency that this outpouring is not meant to die—it is meant to spread.
“Literally that day we changed our plans for an event in downtown Minneapolis,” Hall explained. “I’m calling my charismatic friends asking them to mentor me now, help me understand all the miracles I’m seeing… because the Holy Spirit is just so on the move.”
Hall and his Pulse ministry held an event in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. More than 600 people showed up at the impromptu worship service that ran fifty-three hours and was filled with repentance, healing, literal addictions being broken, and marriages being healed, he recalled.
“I’m just seeing this breakout everywhere, You can’t end revival, revival isn’t owned by anyone, and it didn’t start by anyone. It’s a move of God, and if anything, on Thursday night, there was a release of what God had started and it had already spread.”
In a video message posted to Facebook recently, Hall encouraged all churches to go see the Jesus Revolution movie because he believes “it’s a playbook” for how God wants to send revival to the U.S. again. He said our busyness and our plans are in the way of revival.
“God is at work. And when God is at work, you just have to stay attuned, and in tune with the Spirit. And just keep your sails up to say, ‘God, Would you move. Would you have your way. Would you do what only you would do.’ I believe this is a revival moment. I believe it’s just starting. I believe we are on the brink of more. And I think everywhere people are hungry, God is willing to move.”
One weekly prayer email to which I subscribe was sent out today from Jay Johnston, the prayer leader at Family Research Council. He reflected:
I recently visited Wilmore, Kentucky during the Asbury outpouring, and I learned about what God has been doing there to prepare the university for this move of the Holy Spirit. Professors have been gathering every Monday for years to prayer walk the Asbury University and Seminary campuses. Retirees of these institutions meet regularly to pray for the students, faculty, and administration. A group of ladies in the community has been praying for God to pour His Spirit on the students, faculty, and administration. I believe many others have also been and continue to pray. The persistence in prayer for this campus and community has not been just for a week or a year, but for decades.
There’s the secret. Persistent prayer by people of all ages–older folks leading the way. Then God stirring the youth to seek his face and breaking out in the midst.
One interesting observation about Jesus Revolution 2.0 is its non-focus on preaching. There’s some, but not much. In this revival, God is emphasizing presence over preaching. Both lead to the heart of revival which is an encounter with Jesus and changed lives.
The same was true of the Hebrides Revival (1949-53). Young people could be found at all hours of the day and night worshipping Jesus everywhere.
Come, once again, Lord Jesus, in the day of your power.
Pass me no, O gentle Savior,
Hear my humble cry!
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.
An absolute Amen, Lee. Even in our old age (Psalm 71)
He will hold you close, Meghan, if so simply walk with him. It’s an exciting time to be alive for the latest move of God. “You were born for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).
I love this! I often hunger and fear that in these great moves of God….that I will be forgotten! Hold me close Lord!!!!!
Thank you so much
I love what He is doing
Our little church here in palm Desert having revival week starting Sunday
Our pastor encouraged us this year to pray for this revival
All day people are praying
Come Holy Spirit
God bless you dear servant of our God
That’s very encouraging, Bobbi. Let’s be the prayer warriors that helps the fire spread.
Nice to hear form you.