The American Vision – Do You Share it?

For many years I was confused over the difference between a vision statement and a mission statement. Eventually, I sorted it out and now teach courses on this subject at Faith International University. Allow me to use our nation’s birthday–the 4th of July–to settle in your own mind the difference between vision and mission. We…

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Blameless in His Time

A friend of mine pulled me aside at church recently to share some good and bad news. The good news was that after some prodding he was reading through the entire Bible “I’m doing it, Ron. Thanks for encouraging me,” he shared through a smile. Then came the bad news: “But, right now, I’m in…

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Progressivism’s Fatal Flaw

The English language contains many words to describe lack of faith in God. Atheism seems to be the root term–though it appears harsh to some people. Secularism is similar, and simply means “worldly.” Then there is humanism which sounds cool but begins and ends with human beings (no God). Then there are the sensual terms…

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The Real Meaning of MAGA

When I first heard Donald Trump use the phrase “Make America Great Again” during his 2016 presidential campaign, I had mixed feelings. Yes, I strongly love my nation. I consider the United States of America one of the greatest nations in world history. I’ll explain why in a moment. On the other hand, a weakened…

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While the People Are Virtuous

The following text came to me yesterday from a fellow missions leader: “Hi, Ron. Besides voting, which doesn’t seem to do much good, is there anything else that can be done to slow down the runaway circus of government? It’s getting quite serious!” I gave him my answer, which I’ll share later. In today’s article,…

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Is Social Media a Preview of Judgement Day?

After a short delay, the State of the Union address will take place in Washington, D.C. tonight. I will comment on President Trump’s view of the nation in future articles as well as the Democratic response by Stacey Abrams. Ms. Abrams is the failed gubernatorial candidate from Georgia. Her and Trump’s views of America are…

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Political Deception

I recently wrote that the number one problem facing humanity in the 21st century is widespread spiritual deception–affecting billions of people. That sea of deception is rising. It emanates from the unseen demonic world–ensnaring unsuspecting people in lies that ultimately hurt them and nations. Spiritual deception produces another insidious form of deceit. Political deception. It’s…

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The Necessity of Donald Trump

The 2018 mid-terms are behind us with the Republicans gaining seats in the Senate, and the Democrats taking the House with an average mid-term turnover. It will take days or weeks for the “rosters” to be finalized. I never used to think much about in-between-year voting, but with the America nation  divided as it is…

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Freedom Wins: The Primary Lesson from the Kavanaugh Victory

October 6, 2018 should go down in history as a “Day of Renewal” in the United States. It brings to mind the following Scripture that was used to commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 (actually July 2, but the press got it wrong): “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to…

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With Liberty and Justice–in Free Fall

In the same manner that faith-based music often ends with a major chord showing completeness and hope in Christ, the Pledge of Allegiance, based on the 5,000 year leap of civil polity found in the United Sates of America, concludes on this triumphant note: “With liberty and justice for all.” History had never seen such…

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