Following God Through Tennessee

If you take a road trip vacation this month, you might want to visit Tennessee (though it will be hot). God is on the move there and wants to multiply his work into every county of the nation.  Legislators in the “Volunteer State” have called for a month of fasting and prayer during July. Here’s the exciting…

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One Area The USA Shouldn’t Be Exceptional

As a student and teacher of United States history, I’m thrilled at how God took a “hidden continent” (The New World) three hundred years ago and created a nation/civilization never seen before in history. We call that miracle “American Exceptionalism.” Our biblical faith, melting pot unity, political institutions, social fraternities, political freedoms, and unparalleled blessings…

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The Killing Party

Most members of my family were proud Democrats for generations. They revered FDR, thought the Democratic Party cared more for working people, and stood out as the party of “compassion. Then the party left us. In the 2020’s, the Dems have radically changed into the party of Big Business, Leftist policies, runaway inflation, and against…

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Destroying the Foundations: Tyranny (Force)

The Bible is clear that the destroyer in our world is Satan and his demons (John 10:10, Revelation 9:11). His main vehicle for destruction is force, which is human tyranny in many forms. The most obvious method of destruction is unjust war–such as religiously-tyrannical Iran firing 300 missiles at the sovereign state of Israel last weekend.…

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The Gift of Life and the SOTU

I was planning to write this week on President Biden’s recent State of the Union address to 32 million Americans across the country. It was the darkest, angriest SOTU I’ve ever witnessed. But today (which happens to be my birthday) after enjoying morning devotions, God nudged me to also focus on the amazing “gift of…

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Why Are They Destroying America?

It’s amazing how current-day radicals are moving at break-neck speed to destroy the United States of America. Much of the Church is silent about this cultural disintegration, and the masses too self-absorbed by entertaining themselves in the gutter of social media.  Who will stand up to the growing waves of national destruction?

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Leadership Matters

I’ve thought much about leadership because early in my life I realized I was both designed and called to be a leader (whether I wanted to be or not). Leadership is both a God-given ability (“You can’t put in what God has left out,”) and a learned skill (“Leaders are made, not born”). Four events…

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Willfully Stupid

While involved in daily Bible devotions this week from The Message translation, I came across a phrase describing fallen human beings that jumped off the page: Willfully Stupid. That same day the United States Senate released its long-awaited and clandestinely-formed bi-partisan “Endless Ukraine War–The Border Never Closes” bill (S.744). It appears to be “Exhibit A”…

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The War of 2024

God designed human beings to value and seek three critical realities: Truth. Goodness. Beauty (the cultural trinity).  Truth is the most important because it gives perspective to everything. Jesus declared and backed up with his life: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me (John…

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What To Think and How to Pray for Donald Trump

Trying to become the second U.S. president in history (after Grover Cleveland) to serve two non-consecutive terms, Donald Trump is on his way to the Republican nomination after resounding victories in Iowa and New Hampshire. Grover Cleveland, also a New Yorker, served as president 1885-1889, and again from 1893-1897. Trump is possibly the most known…

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