Two Mortal Dangers Amid God’s Rays of Hope

For years I shared the message of Jeremiah around the United States and in other nations of the world.  The prophet spent four decades warning the Hebrew people that four sins were hastening their demise as a nation: 1) Idolatry–putting other things before God, 2) Religious perversion–compromising true worship and practice, 3) Seared Consciences–the blurring…

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Jesus and the Power Domains

If you’re like me, you might find it difficult at times to stay positive and balanced while gazing at the precipitous decline of Western and American culture around you. Watching the news is depressing. Evil forces have been unleashed in our world (through human choices) to destroy people and nations from within. It wouldn’t take…

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Another Prophet Falls

I was planning on writing an article this week on a major moral issue. To expound it from different sources, I copied a television monologue from Tucker Carlson to encourage you to watch because of its brilliance and clarity. That topic will be postponed for another day.  Tucker Carlson was released from Fox News on…

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Progressing Towards Communism

The word “progressive” now used in American politics sounds positive–like taking wonderful steps towards human virtue and prosperity. But 21st century progressive politics has divided the USA, destroyed the American family, defunded the police, created an open border, brought sexual and gender confusion, accelerated violence in the cities, and created generational despair. These consequences, and…

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Easter Afterglow

I don’t usually spend two weeks talking about Easter, but my heart of so full I’m going to break tradition. Besides, outside of the days of Creation, Good Friday and Easter are unarguably the two most important days in all history. They deserve a second look–and much more. Let me “warm up” your day with…

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What the World Needs Now

There is rightly much lamenting these days about the decline of American culture and Western civilization. Victor Davis Hanson writes about it almost every week. There are many reasons for the social, moral, and economic weaknesses we are experiencing. But they all come back to one major root cause: Turning away from the God of…

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We Must Work Harder Than the Atheists

In the past few weeks I’ve written on the growth of atheism in America and how we must counteract it. I’ve also shared about the Asbury Revival–signaling possibly a growing Jesus Revolution in our nation. One or the other is going to prevail in America in the coming years. The atheists will either guide us…

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Going on Offense and Defense

Sunday Bowl 57 between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles showcased some of the best offense and defense ever seen in football. True, the offenses were better in the Chiefs 38-35 win, but both teams made it to the big game by playing good defense. Philadelphia, the best defensive team in the NFL,…

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We Are Fighting Atheists, Not Leftists

This week the U.S. military shot down a Chinese spy balloon after it traversed the USA. Then President Biden delivered his “State of the Union” address to the American nation. What do China and President Biden share in common (other than influence peddling)? They are both leftists, operating out of an atheistic world view. They…

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A Strange Woman

The infamous meeting of global elites in Davos, Switzerland, just concluded. It’s easy to take lightly the WEF gathering of the rich, famous, and powerful due to their hypocritical use of private jets (over 1000 lined up on the tarmac) while promoting climate change hysteria. But we mustn’t ignore their lust for power via globalism…

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