The USA Has Less Mass Shootings Than Switzerland

I’m still on a break between school quarters, but doing a lot of praying about the soon-to-be-announced possible striking down of Roe v. Wade by the United States Supreme Court.

Abortion is the most serious crime of our time because its the largest form of “shedding of innocent blood” in human history. But there are other forms of heinous murder like unjust war, terrorism, and even school shootings–like the recent one at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

Guess who leads the world in school shootings? Not the United States.

Here are the facts.

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What Brings a Decay of Conscience to a Nation

Another tragic school shooting this week reminds of a great decay of conscience we face in America and the Western World.

There are practical solutions that can help. But we need a full-blown revival of conscience to truly stem the tide of evil.

Here are some insights from a great American revivalist–Charles Finney. He tells us what brings a decay of conscience to a once-godly nation.

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We Need an Awakening of Conscience

The mass shootings in three states this week point to a deadness of conscience that is rising in America. Victor Davis Hanson is so concerned he wrote “Imagining the Unimaginable” in his weekly column. 

To encourage hope, for the next few weeks, I will focus on each of us awakening our God-given conscience to be an answer to the problem.

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